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International Technology Law Association Survey 2007-2008

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ItechLaw Survey 2007-2008

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The survey had a number of objectives:
1°/ to obtain a “snapshot” overview of what, in the opinion of the contributors, have been the most significant e-commerce developments in their jurisdiction in 2007, and what are most likely to be the most significant e-commerce developments in 2008. Contributors were requested to limit their responses to three issues for each of the two years;
2°/ to use the findings of the survey to identify trends and potential topics that can be included onthe programmes of future ITechLaw conferences and events;
3°/ to build the membership of the ITechLaw e-Commerce Law Committee and use the survey as
a means of testing whether more substantial surveys or collaborative works or studies can be undertaken by ITechLaw e-Commerce Law Committee.

Droit & Technologies

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ItechLaw Survey 2007-2008

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