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3rd LAPSI Award on the most user-friendly design of a PSI portal in the EU

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LAPSI is the European Thematic Network studying Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information Re-use. It organises its 3rd Award on the most user-friendly design of a PSI portal in the EU.

Since Public Sector Information availability is crucial for fostering re-use initiatives, the very purpose of the Award is to support any initiative which can be beneficial to PSI re-use policies for moving forward.

The Award is open to public sector bodies, businesses and citizens who designed or manage a PSI portal in the EU.

 A panel of experts will evaluate the submitted projects with regard to the user-friendly design of the portal; the originality and the layout appeal of the portal; the efficacy of the portal in facilitating the access of the PSI; the efficacy of the portal in fostering the awareness on legal aspects of PSI (such as competition, data protection and privacy, intellectual property rights).

The Award has received the support of the Italian Infocamere ( and as a result, the most user-friendly design of a PSI portal will be rewarded with a prize of 1,000 Euros.
Application must be submitted in English by 23rd of December 2011 (16:00 hrs CET).

The Call for applications is available at:
The Submission form is available at:

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